Our Projects
Current Construction
We have fine-tuned the ability to simultaneously operate a multitude of projects throughout the Columbia River Gorge. Our broad array of equipment and operators are constantly rotating through the to-do lists of projects ranging from a major wind farm construction east of The Dalles to a Klickitat River riparian restoration project to municipal sidewalk enhancement in residential Hood River.
We’ve assembled the tools and the experience to operate in the high desert, remote river canyons, and steep mountain slopes. At the same time, we enjoy solving low-profile urban and residential problems with finesse. Our central location in The Dalles makes the perfect hub for efficient coordination.
Historic Highway State Trail: Mitchell Point Crossing
The iconic Mitchell Point Tunnel was a highlight of the original Historic Highway, but the construction of Interstate 84 destroyed the tunnel. Now, in spring 2021, we are breaking ground on a new tunnel and Historic Highway State…
View full projectNature's Way Vista
This 17-lot subdivision located off 30th & May in Hood River, Oregon for IBC includes roughly 10,000 yards of excavation and service utilities ranging from sanitary, storm, water, power, communication, and all hardscapes. All with an end goal of establishing…
View full projectAdams Creek Cohousing
This project is located in Hood River, Oregon off of Sherman Avenue and entails the clearing of land and demolition of an abandoned residential home in preparation for the Adams Creek Cohousing Development. The project will include 3 residential apartment…
View full projectBiggs Service District Water System Improvements
The work for this project consists of a new 440,000 gallon welded steel municipal water storage reservoir and related site work. A new well pump stations is also being constructed. This will provide clean water to the community of Biggs…
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